JUGtoberFest 2017
Już w tym tygodniu grupa Java User Group zaprasza na JUGtoberFest 2017:
Kiedy: czwartek, 12 października o godzinie 18:00
Gdzie: Poznań, Wilda, restauracja SPOT, ul. Dolna Wilda 87
Krótkie opisy prezentacji:
Adam Dymek – Valhalla. Panama. Amber. Loom. Metropolis.
Co powinny te nazwy mówić każdej osobie zawodowo parającej się pisaniem w Javie? Jak zmienią sposób jakim przelewamy kod źródłowy z kubka kawy na pixele naszych LCDków (spoiler: sporo, Panie sporo zmienią).
JDK8 już w książkach do historii programowania. JDK9 właśnie za nami. Przyjdź zobaczyć co niesie ze sobą przyszłość… i dlaczego nie JDK10.
Maciej Laskowski / Tomasz Michalak – Knot.x – a reactive integration platform
Let’s imagine an online banking website containing different features like a chat box, exchange rates, stock data and user profile information. The site has a high performance characteristic, despite of its complexity and target publishing channels. All those features come from different providers/vendors having their own teams working in various modes, technologies and release cycles. Knot.x connects all of them in a controlled and isolated way, preventing any undesired interferences. It combines asynchronous programming principles and message-driven architecture providing a scalable platform for modern sites.
If you want to see Vert.x, RxJava in action you can not miss this talk. During the talk we will explain the idea behind Knot.x and show how Knot.x impacts systems architectures.
Adam Dubiel – HTTP clients: silent heroes of distributed systems
Communication is the cornerstone of distributed systems. Our services often communicate using HTTP protocol and it is difficult to imagine a modern project without a HTTP client. However we often forget how important role they play. Have you ever wondered what hides behind different clients APIs? How does the magic work? What properties and options should be set in HTTP client and why do they matter? During this talk i will show what happens behind the scenes when using popular high-level HTTP APIs: RestTemplate, Jersey and Retrofit. What settings are crucial to make the most out of them, how to detect failures quickly, what are the bottlenecks and how to monitor them. I will also talk about lower level clients hiding behind those APIs: Apache Client and OkHttp. Come and listen if you want to be a conscious user of these fundamental tools. Level: beginner and everyday user.
Zef Hemel – Pick Your Battles
When developing a new product, developers are naturally attracted to using the newest technology: Node! Go! Clojure! React! Elixir! Mongo! Dynamo! But is that really a wise choice? This talk will share experiences from building products with the latest and greatest technology stacks and the risks it brings to the project.
Na miejscu oczywiście będzie czekać na Was oprócz świetnych talków, także tradycyjne piwo i coś na ząb.
Ogromne podziękowania dla GFT za kolejny wspólnie organizowany JUGtoberFest!! Będzie super!
Uwaga! Wymagana jest rejestracja (meetup) i będzie ona weryfikowana przy wejściu! Liczba miejsc OGRANICZONA!
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